Find Your Story
As a parent of a child with a disability, it can often feel like you are the only one who is struggling to find a Christ-centered education solution for your child. School administrators sometimes feel the same sense of loneliness and challenge.
Here’s the good news: All Belong has more than 100 Member schools in the United States, Canada, and The Dominican Republic. We can pull from a wealth of knowledge, experience, and insights to help create a positive and welcoming environment for all students. You are not alone!
Jake and Lindsay’s son Bronson has Autism Spectrum Disorder, but that didn’t stop Lynden Christian School from welcoming him. “We feel the acceptance and hope in the halls and with every 'hello' or high five Bronson gets from his peers. We see it in his teacher's eyes, welling up with tears as Bronson reads out loud. God's faithful love is all around us in our school, and the support we receive is overwhelming!"
For many in the Byron Center High School class of 2019, their K-12 education was shaped by friendship with classmate Isaac Postma, a bright, funny young man who lives with spinal muscular atrophy type one. “You learn the most from people you’re least like,” says Isaac Timmer.
A Beautiful Example of Inclusion
Meet Ephraim
Ephraim’s story of belonging is an example of what is possible when we work together to create inclusive Christian communities.
Hear his story in the video below!