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Six Tips for a Smooth Back-to-School Transition

As a new school and ministry year gets underway, our school and church consultants know there is a lot on your mind. But no need to fret! We have six steps you can take to ease the transition into school and church programs so all students feel more comfortable starting the new year.

1. Set the routine.

Start getting into the routine of going to bed earlier and getting up earlier before school actually begins.

2. Take a tour.

Each school year can be full of new places and people, whether it is at school, church, or after-school activities. Try to visit these new places (outside of an open house) a few weeks ahead of time if your son or daughter seems anxious.

3. Meet the key people.

When you visit the new places, arrange to meet the teachers, principal, and/or ministry leaders for one-on-one time. This meeting is a great time to share your child’s strengths and areas of need, and any concerns for the upcoming year.

4. Go over the schedule.

If your student is in middle or high school, go over their school schedule at home, preferably with pictures. Be sure to emphasize that schedules can change, so use words like “typically” and “usually”. When you take a tour of the school, walk through the classrooms to help your son or daughter see where their classes will be.

5. Write an informational story.

Creating an informational story with your son or daughter can help them preview an activity before it takes place. You can easily create an informational story on PowerPoint or with a photo book. Some examples of back-to-school social stories you can write include:

  • Introduction to the first day of school
  • Introduction to children’s church 
  • How to put materials away in art class
  • How to go through the lunch line

Read the informational story every day before the actual activity starts.

Need some examples? Barbara J. Newman shares tips for creating an informational story in this blog post

6. Meet friends.

If your son or daughter is nervous socially, schedule a play date or time to meet other students from their school or church. If they’re new to the school or church, work with their teacher, pastor, or ministry leaders to introduce friends who might connect well with your son or daughter.

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Katie Barkley

Katie Barkley was the marketing and communications manager at All Belong.